Our presenters
HexaBuild's class instructors have decades of IPv6-specific experience. Their passion for helping organizations plan and deploy IPv6 comes through in their teachings. You will be learning from the world's leading experts in IPv6 who literally "wrote the book" on IPv6.
Advancing Cloud IoT and Security with IPv6
Scott Hogg
Author of IPv6 Security from Cisco Press
Author of Rapidly Deploying IPv6 on AWS for ACloud.Guru
Host of IPv6 Buzz podcast for PacketPushers.net
Infoblox IPv6 Center of Excellence
NetworkWorld.com author of many IPv6 articles
Chair Emeritus Rocky Mountain IPv6 Task Force
IPv6 Forum Gold Certified IPv6 Engineer, IPv6 Forum Gold Certified Trainer
Acknowledged contributor to U.S. NIST SP 800-119
Frequent presenter of IPv6 at conferences and technology events